Peeters Family Law

Jacqueline Peeters

Collaborative Lawyer & Mediator

Home to settlement focused, out of court, family law services. Rooted in a belief that, with the right help, you can walk through the conflict and challenges in a different way.


Peeters Family Law

Jacqueline (she/her) is a settlement focused family lawyer and mediator. Each person’s situation is unique. Whether the issues are complex or simple, Jacqueline seeks to empower clients with information, resources, and support – they will then know what choices make the most sense for their lives.

Where there are children, Jacqueline supports clients in working towards a cooperative co-parenting relationship to protect and prioritize the children, often with the assistance of a parenting mediator with a social work / child development background.

Complex financial settlements (both property and support) benefit enormously from being addressed outside the adversarial process where costs can rapidly rise while professionals argue. When needed, financial experts can be jointly retained.


& Divorce

In an out of court settlement process, the resolution of these issues is incorporated into a legally binding separation agreement.

Cohabitation Agreements / Marriage Contracts

These are domestic contracts (sometimes referred to as ‘prenups’) for couples who are entering, or in a marriage or common law relationship.

Unbundled Services or Limited Scope Retainers

Sometimes people just want help with one or two issues and have resolved everything else, or they’ve come to an agreement, but want it properly drafted.


Mediation is a process in which a neutral professional works with you and your spouse to resolve the terms for your separation or cohabitation/marriage.

I’m so fortunate to have had Jacqueline Peeters as my lawyer. She’s compassionate, responsive, intelligent and always worked towards my best interests. Her many years of experience are evident in how she approaches information and next steps… She’s amazing.

– Corina, Client Testimonial


Jacqueline Peeters is extraordinarily knowledgeable and effective. She’s an exceptional communicator with a remarkable ability to be empathetic and patient. I’m immensely grateful for her wonderful assistance, guidance, and kindness.

– Michael, Client Testimonial